more conversions
More customers get past the buy button with an easy & secure checkout
faster checkout
New users check out 50% faster, while returning users take under 6 seconds
more registered customers
New users get a guest-like buying experience, while you get a new registered customer
more payment methods
Offer all major payment options right out of the box without any code
higher repeat purchases
Reward customers with Simpler Coins to keep them coming back. More rewards mean more loyalty, driving repeat business.
When you integrate Simpler, you gain access to a comprehensive set of payment and shipping options right from the start. This eliminates the need for coding and integration of each individual option.
Simpler’s loyalty scheme offers a tangible reason for customers to return. Every purchase they make earns them Simpler Coins, which they can redeem for discounts on future orders.
Funky Buddha saw 24.7% higher checkout conversion rates after integrating Simpler.