How one click checkout increases ecommerce conversion rates

December 12, 2022
5 minutes
How one click checkout increases ecommerce conversion rates

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Globally, more than $18 Billion is abandoned in carts on online stores every year!

A large number of shoppers go all the way to the checkout page, only to abandon their carts. And this is the case with almost 70% of the shoppers who visit an ecommerce site to buy something.

A high cart abandonment rate can dent your ecommerce conversion rate. And when your conversion rates are low, your bottom line suffers from it - the ecommerce store revenue.

Most often, a complex and friction-filled checkout process leads to customers abandoning carts. Therefore, it is crucial that we simplify this process in order to convert more customers.

One click checkout is a solution that helps solve this problem. It simplifies checkout by reducing friction and making it seamless for shoppers.

But before looking at one click checkout and how it can drive conversions, let’s understand what conversion rate is and why it is important for your ecommerce business.

What is ecommerce conversion rate?

A conversion is usually the action of purchase. Conversion rate in ecommerce is simply the amount of website traffic that converts into sales.

Why is ecommerce conversion rate important?

Ecommerce conversion rate has become more critical than ever. If you manage to attract website visitors, you need to make sure that they convert.

Having an improved conversion rate means having more orders on your websites, and more orders directly translate to more revenue. In addition, as more people coming from marketing channels convert on your website, you increase your ROI and lower the cost of acquiring customers.

A good e-commerce conversion rate helps you make the most of what you already have.

Drive conversions with one click checkout

Imagine cutting down cart abandonment by 20% and increasing your conversion rates up to 35%. Wouldn’t that make a humongous difference to your revenue?

Well, one click checkout can help significantly in that direction.

Streamlining and simplifying the customer buying process is one of the best ways to improve conversion rates. Shoppers seldom leave the checkout process midway if it is super easy and quick.

One click checkout makes shopping frictionless and more delightful for customers. How? First, by eliminating unnecessary steps during the checkout process. Additionally, by removing redundant form fields, usernames and passwords.

It requires one simple click to buy stuff online. You land on a website, see a product you like and click on the one click checkout button. There you go, that's it.

One click checkout requires fewer form fields

More form fields mean more friction. And customers hate friction at checkout. Shoppers are more likely to convert when they don’t have to burn a lot of mental calories and put in the effort to get something they want.

Compared to a traditional checkout, the one click checkout journey is quite frictionless for a first-time user. The one click checkout form has the least number of fields and requires only the minimum information necessary to place an order. In addition, their information is saved so they can purchase with one click in the future.

For example, with Simpler one click checkout, first-time shoppers can buy 50% faster than the traditional checkout as it requires the users to fill fewer form fields.

Experience of a shopper using simpler checkout for the first time

One click checkout offers shorter buying journeys

The buying journey you offer is a major factor that determines your conversion rates. The most simple customer experience with minimum steps can get the best results for your e-commerce store sales.

One click checkout eliminates up to 90% of the steps required for a standard buying process. Rather than adding products to their cart and then checking out, customers can complete their purchase directly from the product page. They land on a website, see a product they like and click on the one-click checkout button. That's it, order complete.

In the case where shoppers have multiple products added to their cart, they can checkout using the same way without having to go through a long checkout process.

This way, the chance of shoppers dropping out reduces considerably as there are very few steps for them to complete a purchase.

With sellers using Simpler one click checkout, we have seen more than 70% of orders coming from the product and cart pages as shoppers find it extremely easy to checkout directly, without having to go through multiple steps.

Standard shoppers' journey vs Simpler one click chekcout jouney

One click checkout offers checkout in seconds for returning customers

For returning customers, the information is pre-filled in the checkout form whenever they return to the same store or shop from a new store that offers the same one click checkout. All their shipping and payment information is securely saved, and shoppers can checkout with one click. This way, they don’t have to fill in their details or remember usernames and passwords. Shoppers get the same seamless experience whenever they use one click checkout, regardless of where they shop.

For example, Simpler one click checkout gives shoppers a single online shopping passport they can use to shop online. Shoppers safely save their info during their first purchase with Simpler. After that, all future purchases from any merchant in the Simpler network can be made with just one click.

Experience of a shopper using simpler checkout for the seconf time

Improving your conversion rate helps you acquire more customers in a shorter amount of time and improves your marketing campaigns as well. It’s not just the cherry on top of your sundae; it is the ice cream, the foundation upon which all other efforts reside.

An enhanced one click checkout experience like Simple checkout gets more customers to complete their purchases, and as a result, cart abandonment decreases in your online store.

We all know that even a slight increase in your conversion rate can add up to a lot in terms of revenue. For example, if you have 10000 monthly visitors and a conversion rate of 3%, with an AOV of £50, you’ll make £150,000 in revenue. With a one click checkout solution where your ecommerce conversion rate would be 4.7% (35% increased), you would get 1700 more orders with the same AOV. This means £235,000 in revenue which is £85000 more.

With Simpler’s conversion rate calculator, you can calculate the increase in conversion rates and earnings with Simpler.

Traditional checkout is harder and one click checkout is simpler

Increase your conversion rate today. Get Simpler.

Simpler is a one click checkout solution provider that partners with 1000+ online stores.

Simpler checkout is the simplest way to buy things online. It is faster, more seamless, and gets 35% higher conversions than the average checkout, thanks to a frictionless buying experience and flexible payment options.

It can be installed on your website within minutes and supports all major e-commerce platforms. Using Simpler doesn't require replacing your existing payment processor. It works as an additional payment processor and checkout method for your website.

Stop leaving money on the table! Reach out to us and learn more about how Simpler can help your business grow.

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